Looking for PSLE Math Tuition in Singapore?

Distinction Tutors has some of the best PSLE Math tutors in Singapore, who have helped numerous students score AL1 in PSLE Math.

Importance of PSLE Math Tuition

PSLE is certainly not the be-all and end-all examination, but it is still extremely important. This especially applies to PSLE Math, as Math is a subject which will follow students from pre-school all the way to junior college and even to the workplace. 

Doing well in PSLE Math will lay a good foundation and increase primary school student’s confidence going into secondary school. It will also prepare the student better for the jump in difficulty to secondary school math. 

PSLE Math is also one of the subjects which it is possible to score full marks. If primary school students are gifted enough and have the right guidance, they can easily achieve an Achievement Level 1 (AL1). PSLE Math tuition will help students to attain this goal. 

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Common problems faced when studying PSLE Math

Poor Time Management ​

The PSLE Math Examination consists of 2 papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 consists of 30 questions (which is made of 15 MCQ and 15 Short Answer questions), to be completed in 1 hour. Paper 2 consists of 5 short answer questions and 12 long answer questions to be completed in 1 hour 30 minutes. 

Both of these papers have significant time pressure on top of the already stressful exam pressure. Primary school students are often unable to plan their time out properly, and spend too much time on one single question. This results in many students panicking or having questions that were left blank due to a lack of time. PSLE Math tuition will teach students effective time management. 

Careless Mistakes ​

The most frustrating thing for parents, teachers, and students alike is when students know how to do the question, but still end up getting the answer wrong due to a careless mistake. Careless mistakes are a natural part of math, however, with practice the frequency of careless mistakes can be decreased or even eliminated. 

Primary school students need to develop the habit of checking through their working and figuring out if their answer makes sense. If students have time, they can also use their answer and work backwards to determine if there was any careless mistake in the intermediate workings.

Difficulty with Pattern Questions ​

Primary school students often have trouble with the pattern questions in PSLE. These are questions that are designed for students to find the pattern in a certain set of shapes (ie increasing number of triangles). Some may feel that these questions are similar to IQ questions and cannot be learnt through practice. 

However, if primary school students are exposed to a sufficient variety of pattern questions, they will definitely find pattern questions in PSLE much easier. PSLE math tuition will provide students will practice questions to familiarise them to these questions. 

What to look for in a PSLE Math Tutor

Teach Students Exam Strategies

While teaching primary school students math concepts is important, imparting exam strategies and tips would give primary school students an added advantage in their PSLE Math paper. Private PSLE Math tutors should be able to teach their students how plan their time, the types of questions, which questions to target first, and frameworks to go through when students are stuck on a certain question.

Explain Complicated Concepts in a Simple Manner

PSLE Math has some complex and abstract concepts like finding the volume of a 3-dimensional diagram and the calculation of speed. This is often difficult for primary school students to understand, and schoolteachers may not be able to provide the best explanation for students. PSLE Math home tutors should be able to explain these more complicated concepts in a manner that children can understand. For example, PSLE Math tutors could use 3D model figures to help explain concepts like volume to primary school children.

Provide Relevant Practice Material

A frustrating thing for educators is the everchanging PSLE math syllabus which renders a lot of practice material out of date. Private PSLE Math tuition teachers should be familiar with the most recent PSLE Math syllabus, and give students notes and practice material that is within their syllabus. PSLE Math tutors should also guide students while they are practicing questions in order to clarify any doubts immediately.

Benefits of PSLE Math Tuition

Secondary school is a big jump from primary school in terms of mathematical difficulty. It is important that primary school students use PSLE as an opportunity for revision and consolidation of all the math they have learnt so far. Our one-to-one PSLE math tutors are dedicated to helping primary school students clarify any doubts from the past six years and solidifying their mathematical knowledge. This would not only help students score better for PSLE Math but also build a stronger foundation for the tougher secondary school math.

Having a responsible 1-to-1 PSLE Math tutor gives students the confidence that their queries will be clarified promptly. Ultimately, having a PSLE Math tutor to explain concepts again and clarify doubts will also help to improve student’s results for the smaller class tests and exams. This will help primary school students gain more confidence in their mathematical abilities and go into the PSLE exam hall with greater assurance that they will do well for PSLE Math.

Ultimately, the goal of PSLE Math tuition is for students to score better results in their PSLE. This goal is probably what parents and primary school students care the most about. Thankfully, Distinction Tutors delivers in this aspect. We have a team of PSLE Math tutors who have produced excellent results, with many of our students scoring an AL1 at PSLE.

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Distinction Tutors can help

We know how important PSLE can be to both parents and students. That is why we provide only the best tutors for you. Our PSLE Math tutors are dedicated and patient, and they have an excellent track record, with many of our students scoring AL1 for PSLE Math. Reach out to us today!

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