Looking for P3 Science Tuition in Singapore?

Distinction Tutors has one of the best team of P3 Science tutors in Singapore. Our primary three Science tutors have helped numerous Singapore primary school students obtain AL1 for their PSLE Science examination.

Importance of P3 Science Tuition

Science is introduced to all students in primary three. In the primary three Science syllabus, there is a greater emphasis on life science topics like the diversity of living and non-living things, life cycles, as well as plant and human systems. These topics will form the foundation of many branches of Science (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics) in future and help them gain a better understanding of themselves and the world around them.

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Common problems faced when studying P3 Science

New and unfamiliar subject

While some topics covered in the primary three Science syllabus are simple, most of them are rather factual and complex for most nine-year-olds to understand. Most primary three students will have trouble using scientific keywords, understanding different question structures, and answering those questions due to their limited vocabulary. Without P3 Science tuition, it will be challenging for students to keep up with the pace of learning Science in primary school when presented with so much new content.

Heavier workload

Since Science is introduced as a subject at the primary 3 level, students will be taking up more subjects, with 4 subjects instead of the usual 3 subjects. Some may not be able to cope with the additional demands of a new subject and will need P3 Science tuition teacher to reinforce key concepts. There will also be increased rigours for their other three subjects like English, Mathematics, and Mother Tongue, leading to an overall heavier workload for them.

Uncertain about the different examination questions tested

As this is a newly introduced subject, students will be unfamiliar with the examination questions that will be tested. Common problems faced will be carelessly answering multiple-choice questions and struggling to produce answers with proper scientific keywords in open-ended questions. 

While relying on Science assessment books to familiarise themselves with possible questions may sound like a good solution, most assessment books do not have a comprehensive range of questions types that will be tested during the examinations. Only experienced primary three Science tutors will be aware of the different types of questions tested.

What to look for in a P3 Science Tutor

Make Science lessons fun

Science taught in primary three is only a scratch on the surface compared to what will be learnt beyond primary school. Good P3 Science tuition teachers will not mindlessly push their students towards scoring higher grades, which can affect their morale in the longer run. Instead, they will first focus on making the subject fun such as simplifying scientific concepts into digestible portions for a young primary three student to understand and stimulating his/her interest. Having interest in Science will eventually spark greater joy in learning and good grades will naturally come along.

Mastering scientific questions

Given that Science is only recently introduced to your child in primary three, he/she will have problems answering Science questions due to a lack of prior knowledge in the subject. Experienced P3 Science tutors can teach your child the best Science strategies and techniques needed to score well during the Science examinations.

Making Science relatable to your child

Even though your child may be hardworking and study his/her Science textbook daily, he/she may still struggle to relate to the Science concepts taught. This is not his/her fault. Novel and interesting methods are used during P3 Science tuition so students can commit the scientific information to memory and score well in their examinations.

Benefits of P3 Science Tuition

Watching your child struggle to adapt to the new subject can be frustrating and heart-breaking. Don’t be stressed out by trying to teach your child. A good primary three science tutor will work closely with your child to develop highly effective techniques that can tackle various types of questions from different topics. Let your child’s experienced P3 Science tuition teacher ease him/her into the subject and improve his/her examination grades.

Students have varying levels in Science. As such, the P3 Science notes provided in school may be insufficient for your child. Our qualified P3 Science tuition teachers will supply Science teaching materials that are in-line with the Ministry of Education (MOE)’s P3 Science syllabus. Good Science notes usually have informative, engaging, and stimulating content. Your child can better phrase his/her sentences that will change the incomplete answer to a complete answer.

Many practice questions will also be given to familiarise your child with the type of questions asked. He/she will then be able to tackle common Science questions effectively and supply answers that the examiners are looking for, without losing marks unnecessarily.

Many primary three students are still unable to fully focus during Science lessons in school as the subject is newly introduced. With a large class of over 30 students, it is also hard for teachers to give students the adequate attention they deserve. Having one-to-one P3 Science tuition will familiarise your child with Science. P3 Science tuition teachers will develop suitable lesson plans for nine-year-olds and employ different ways of teaching to familiarise your child and develop his/her interest in the subject. Once your child is familiar with the content, he/she is more likely to pay attention and concentrate during Science lessons in school.

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Distinction Tutors can help

Distinction Tutors is Singapore’s premiere tuition agency for primary three Science. We help parents to look for their tutors, completely free-of-charge. Our P3 Science tuition teachers are sourced through rigorous processes and produce proven results. They have helped numerous students with varying ability levels to prepare and make improvements in their Science examinations. Let your child achieve an exceptional level of P3 Science proficiency today.

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Home tuition for all subjects and academic levels

Math & Science Subjects
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Physic Tuition
POA Tuition

Academic Levels
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Secondary School Tuition
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IP Tuition

Humanities Subjects
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Social Studies Tuition
Economics Tuition

Language Subjects
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GP Tuition
Chinese Tuition
Malay Tuition
Tamil Tuition
Hindi Tuition

Major Examinations
PSLE Tuition
O’Level Tuition
N’Level Tuition
A’Level Tuition

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