Looking for H2 Math Tuition in Singapore?
Our H2 Math tutors have a track record of helping students score an A for A levels.
Importance of H2 Math Tuition
H2 Math is one of the hardest subjects at a Junior College (JC) level. The academic intensity of H2 Math is a huge jump from secondary school A Math and E Math, and students are now required to fully understand the theories behind mathematical topics instead of just practising questions. Despite H2 Math’s difficulty, JC students must still try their best to do well in H2 Math. This is because a good pass in H2 Math is a pre-requisite to entering almost all Science and Engineering courses.
Although competitive courses like NUS Medicine, Dentistry, and Law do not specify any H2 Math requirements on their website, an A in H2 Math would be a strong competitive edge. Hence, doing well in H2 Math would create more opportunities for students, and students must make every effort to get an H2 Math “A” at their A-level examination. H2 Math tuition will help students in achieving this goal.
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Common problems faced when studying H2 Math
Huge Time Commitment Required
Many Junior College (JC) students feel that H2 Math is the subject they spend the most time studying. This feeling is justified as H2 Math has an enormous amount of content, and lots of time is required to understand the theories behind topics and practice numerous questions.
Thankfully, this huge time commitment usually translates to results in the A Level examinations, as Math is a subject where the results are the most proportional to the amount of time spent studying it. In addition, H2 Math tuition can help students to reduce the learning curve. Thus, reducing the time required to spend to understand the H2 Math topics.
Many New and Abstract Concepts
H2 Math introduces a wide variety of new topics, such as Complex Numbers, Maclurin Series, Sequences and Series, and Hypothesis Testing. It also adds much more depth to topics students were familiar with in secondary school, such as differentiation, integration, and vectors. Many of these topics are abstract and hard for the student to understand. However, students must understand the theories and applications behind both new and old topics to secure an “A” for H2 Math at A Level. H2 Math tuition will help students in understanding these new topics.
Weak Foundation in Secondary School Math
H2 Math is taught at a rapid pace, with some difficult topics being covered in a matter of weeks. Students who did not have a good foundation in secondary school A Math and E Math, or students who did not take A Math in secondary school, may find themselves falling behind their peers. This is because much of the H2 Math syllabus builds upon topics learnt in secondary school, such as vectors, algebra, differentiation, and integration.
It is essential that students have a solid grounding in these topics at a secondary school level before progressing to JC H2 Math. Students with weak foundation can attend H2 Math tuition to strengthen their mastery of the subject.
What to look for in a H2 Math Tutor
Capable of Explaining Harder Topics in a Straightforward Way
H2 Math students often have trouble with the same few topics in the H2 Math Syllabus. This is usually Sequences and Series, Vectors, Complex Number, and Probability. These topics are abstract, complex, and require the consideration of multiple variables. H2 Math tutors must be able to explain these more difficult topics in a straightforward way, such that students are able to understand these topics easily.
Proficient in Using a Graphing Calculator
40 percent of the A levels H2 Math paper is on statistics, and a large amount of statistics (such as hypothesis testing) requires the use of the graphing calculator. The calculations performed on the graphing calculator are often complex and requires some mastery of how the graphing calculator works. However, schools tend not to focus much on teaching students how this useful tool works. It is hence greatly beneficial if H2 Math home tutors can guide students stepwise through how to obtain answers by inputting data into the graphing calculator.
Able to Create Summarised Notes and Formula Sheet
H2 Math has a huge amount of content and many formulas to be memorised. It would be convenient and beneficial to students if they could access all this information in one place. H2 Math tutors could help students create a summary of all the important information in each chapter and all the formulas students need to memorise to expedite learning.
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Benefits of H2 Math Tuition
H2 Math has no shortage of difficult topics, with complex numbers, integration, and probability amongst the top few. Although the topics in Math are all objective, there are many ways of explaining these objective topics. Perhaps the explanation schoolteachers gave was harder for students to understand. Having an H2 Math tuition teacher who can explain the topic in a different way could help students have a novel perspective and better understanding of the topic.
Different JC students are weak at different aspects of H2 Math. Some students are naturally gifted in statistics, and do not need much help with it. Private H2 Math tutors could hence focus more on pure math subjects such as functions or vectors. On the contrary, many students gifted in pure Math surprisingly struggle with the relatively simpler statistics aspect of H2 Math. In such cases, H2 Math tuition teachers could guide students more on memorising the correct hypothesis values and presenting their working accurately. All in all, having a one-to-one H2 Math tutor would enable lessons to be tailored according to the student’s preference and weaknesses, instead of taking a one size fits all approach such as that in school.
Ultimately, the goal of H2 Math tuition is to help the student obtain an A in the A Level examination. Distinction Tutors has a team of H2 Math tutors that have consistently produced great results, with many of our students getting an A for H2 Math at A levels. Taking up the services of one of our excellent H2 Math tutors would definitely give students more reassurance of an A for H2 Math in A Level.

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Distinction Tutors can help
Distinction Tutors has one of the best teams of H2 Math tutors in Singapore. Our team has always provided dedicated support to JC students, be it answering their questions on WhatsApp or taking extra effort to ensure students understand the topic fully. This has translated to results, with many students obtaining an H2 Math “A” in A Level. Secure your “A” today!