Looking for English Oral Tuition in Singapore?

English Oral tuition places students in the best position to excel in English. English oral tutors provide students with the means to do so by offering practical strategies and reading exercises to boost confidence.

Importance of English Oral Tuition

Oral examinations test students’ ability to read and articulate their thoughts. Students demonstrate their oral skills by showing that they can be confident in reading aloud, thinking on their feet, and answering questions clearly and coherently.

The oral examination typically comprises two parts. In PSLE oral, there are the Reading Aloud and Stimulus-Based Conversation segments. Reading aloud carries 10 marks and stimulus-based interaction carries 20 marks. The 30-mark total comprises 15 percent of the overall weightage for PSLE English.

In O-Level English Oral, however, Stimulus-Based Conversation is replaced with Spoken Interaction. Although the total number of marks remains unchanged, this comprises 20 percent of the overall weightage for O-Level English.


Despite their small weightage, the oral exams are not to be taken lightly. Scoring well not only gives students a buffer but enables them to do even better if they go on to perform well for English Papers one and two.

English oral tuition enables students to do well for their oral exams so that they are in the best position to excel in English. With the help of observant English oral tutors, English oral tuition provides students with the tools and means to do so.

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Common problems faced by students in English Oral

Stress and Anxiety

Students’ nerves may get the better of them. They may display signs of stress such as stammering, incoherence, rambling, and mental blocks. Other signs can include slurring, swallowing words, inaudibility, and irrelevant responses. In the case of a mental block, a student’s flight response results in a cognitive blank. Not knowing how to elaborate on an answer can impede students from fully engaging in the conversation.

Difficulty Expressing Oneself

Students may have gotten used to colloquial expressions in informal conversations. They may generally be able to switch with ease between English and Singlish but fumble at times to find the right words in standard English to express themselves. Conveying their thoughts and ideas in ways that are clear, coherent, and understandable to the examiner becomes an unconscious struggle.


Reading aloud enables students to receive help and clarification on their pronunciations. Students who seldom read aloud may skip or gloss over difficult words. Moreover, they may not ask for help in pronouncing these words nor be cognisant that they are mispronouncing them in the first place. Common mistakes in mispronunciations are ‘duh’ instead of ‘thuh’ for ‘the’, and ‘chew-dren’ instead of ‘chi-L-dren’ for ‘children’.

What can English Oral Tutors offer?

Opportunities for Reading Aloud

An English oral tutor can assess students’ reading through reading exercises. Reading aloud under the watchful eye of an English oral tutor enables the tutor to correct any mistakes in real-time and pace students in their readingteaching them to pause at the appropriate moments. Having adequate practice in reading aloud ensures that students will be confident to do so during the oral examination.

Constructive Feedback

It can be difficult to assess oneself for oral. Hence, an English oral tutor serves as an ideal sounding board for students seeking to brush up on their reading and spoken skills. The English oral tutor is well poised to listen, observe, and offer constructive feedback as to how the student may do better. Through mock oral sessions, an English oral tutor can address quirks and areas such as mispronunciations, intonations, audibility, and pace of reading which may not be immediately apparent to the student.


Regular interaction between the English oral tutor and student prepares the latter and reduces the anxiety of examiner-examinee interactions. Students are encouraged to express themselves by verbalising their thoughts. Through providing regular practice and with the help of question prompters, English oral tutors seek to enhance students’ articulative skills and engage in meaningful, free-flowing conversations.

Benefits of English Oral Tuition

English oral tuition instills the confidence students need. Regular exposure to reading aloud and spoken interactions builds confidence in students’ use of English in communicating and expressing themselves. By knowing how to tackle oral examinations, students will be able to increase their confidence and conquer any lingering fears of oral examinations.

English oral tuition offers practical strategies for formulating responses and elaboration to anxiety coping strategies like breathing exercises. Rather than provide monosyllabic yes-no answers, students are encouraged to elaborate on their responses in the spoken interaction or stimulus-based conversation segments of the oral exam. 

English oral tuition teaches students skills to substantiate their views and questions for formulating responses to ensure they have topics to speak about. Practical coping strategies are available too for students who need help preparing themselves mentally and emotionally for their oral exam.

In English oral tuition, students learn the general rules of etiquette, posture, and body language during the oral exam. From greeting the examiner, to establishing eye contact, and speaking clearly, students will learn skills that apply to professional interviews as well. English oral tuition also offers tips on how to best prepare oneself at the silent preparation station.

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Distinction Tutors can help

Distinction Tutors’ English Oral tuition enables students to excel in English oral with practice and practical strategies. Reading aloud with the help of English oral tutors sensitises students to unfamiliar words, unarticulated sounds, and pronunciation errors. While spoken interactions build students’ confidence in articulating and expressing themselves.

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