1. Talk with others in English
Let your child talk in English with his friends and playmates. We cannot emphasize enough how practice is really among the most effective ways your child can learn the English language.
School would most likely practice speaking in English already so in other places where you can start the practice of doing so, please do.
2. Teach your child to ask you questions
In order to address issues that your child may have in relation to the English language, it’s best to directly hear from him. Are there words that he’s having challenges with? Is he having a hard time dealing with the rules of English grammar? It’s great if your child can share what challenges he’s facing, and how you can help him overcome these challenges.
On that note, you should encourage an environment where your child can freely ask you questions. This way, your child would feel more comfortable getting your feedback, and could learn from you. And as a parent, do your best in providing the answers to your child’s questions. Should any problem arise, there are many available online resources that can help you out in arriving at the right solution for your child’s problems.
3. Ask your child to help write captions for photos you post on social media or for scrapbooks or photo albums
Another practical way to train your child in speaking English is working with him in coming up with captions. Captions provides your child a bit of virtual space where he can describe the photo, exercising your child’s writing skills in the process.
This can also be done for more tangible media such as photo albums and even scrapbooks. The idea is to train your child’s creativity in using the English language. Doing this often would definitely be good English training for your child.
4. Encourage your child to participate in contests involving the use of English language
It will be a good practice for your child to participate in contests that involve English language. This includes essay or poetry writing contests, or public speaking competitions such as oration, declamation, or even debate. By engaging and training for these English-heavy competitions, your child will have more drive and motivation in learning to use the language more thoroughly, and the results would definitely grow in time.
So whether this be in school, or maybe even informal contests from brands in social media, ask your child to try and join these competitions so that he will have more exposure to competitive use of the English language.
5. Make use of English education apps
There are many apps available out there that can help your child in learning English. The most common ones involve learning spelling and vocabulary. There are also apps that help translate foreign words to their English counterparts, which may allow non-native English speakers to easily know what the English terms for certain words are.
There are countless apps out there so check out which ones your child may be interested in trying out.
The 5 tips listed above can help improve your child’s ability to learn English easily and quickly. But in order to achieve the best results, we highly encourage getting specialized English home tuition services for your child.
Getting an English education specialist for your child will allow your child to learn the English language in the most direct manner. What’s great is that home tuition specialists would first assess your child’s current English proficiency, and would then craft a teaching plan that is designed to meet your child’s English-learning needs.
It is highly recommended that you engage the services of an English tutor from a reputable home tuition agency so that your child can have only the best English tutor out there, and expose your child to high-quality English education.
Home tuition agencies would have effective English education programs that are designed to help your child master the English language in the most efficient manner.
The English language is definitely a skill that you should help your child develop as early as possible. With the help of the tips above, and through strong English tuition services, your child can easily and quickly be confident in using the English language, equipping your child with vital communication skills that will truly be helpful as he builds his career.